2016년 4월 25일 월요일

What is SNS?

SNS is stands for Social Networking Site. Facebook and Twitter is two majore site for SNS 
Facebook and Twitter
Since when using the Social Networking Site become so popular? It is hard to find the exact date of the rise of SNS but it is true that Facebook and Twitter brought huge boom in using Social Networking Site. Facebook has formed in 2004 and it has billions of users. Twitter has formed in 2006 and also it has billions of users. This data shows clearly that Facebook and Twitter is major site of SNS.
Smartphone technology and SNS
I can also say that smartphone is one of important fact that led SNS boom. Back in the day people has to use computer to access in the internet. This process took long time. However, with the development of Smartphone, we can easily access to the internet anytime and everywhere. This development made us to use SNS more actively.
Current use of SNS
Then, currently how people use SNS for what? Most usual usage is to share their daily life experiences to their SNS friends. Because of smart phone, it is very easy and quick to excess to SNS. This made people to share their daily life experiences easily by using SNS. Not only sharing the daily life experiences but also people use to share much different information. For example, people share baking recipe, study tips or good restaurant to visit. SNS also can be used as tool of advertisements. It is very easy to find company use SNS to promote their products. The reason why company uses SNS to advertise their products is because it is free or cheap to use SNS to advertise. Furthermore, SNS becomes one of way to participate in politics. People can participate in political activity by posting personal political opinions or by following the politicians’ SNS.

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